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Monika Spirinaite

Self-expression, a journey into world of your imagination. Photography gives me creative fulfilment. It helps me express myself artistically to create something new and different. Creativity is a major part of my life. it's a journey of findings, finding out what I am passionate about, a journey of experiments and new relationships. A clearer understanding of myself and of my world will allow me to explore fragments of life as an abstract form. Photography allows me to believe in myself and fuels my creativity, it brings many wonderful things to my life on both personal and educational levels. I’m looking forward to finding out where it will take me next. 


My project was filmed in my hometown Vilnius, Lithuania. It is about a character who is afraid to show who he really is, afraid of judgment being in society. Anyone can be in his position and a lot of people experience it. I urge you not to be afraid of society and stay open to the world.



Monika Spirinaite


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